Joining Jules in celebrating the little things in our lives.
So today I am reading Reconstructing Natalie and she is going through chemo. As she describes some of the side effects of the treatments I keep thinking, "I totally know how she feels!" Which I totally DON'T. You see I have this thing growing inside me and because of it certain foods, just talking about them or smelling them, makes me gag. And I can't even think about eating chocolate. But grilled cheese is nearly mild enough to consume on a good day.
And that is where the similarity ends. I hate cancer. I especially hate breast cancer. It terrifies me. And this book makes me realize some of the stupid things I've done/said over this last year. One of which is probably the former paragraph.
So today I am celebrating the fact that what is growing within me is a blessing that I would never want to destroy and I will gladly gag over chocolate for this little one for as long as necessary.
I was just reading a review of this a few minutes ago. Funny, huh. I've got too many friends who've had this terrible disease that I'm curious about the book and what you've said about it.
Celebrating your "little thing" with you...congratulations :) (btw...cancer has bitten my family again and again and again, lost both my mother and grandmother to it, and my sister is a 7-year-survivor--I hate it, too.)
Congratulations! Baby news is always good news!!
I'm so excited for you, truly! I look forward to hearing more as the 'story' grows!
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