Thursday, April 16, 2009

I just noticed something

All the couples in the Lowes and Home Depot commercials are well dressed and childless.

No wonder I watch and think I could possibly accomplish something on my home in DIY fashion.

Where's the reality? Where are the four bored children climbing the walls (or driving the lawn mowers as it may be)? Where is the picture of the mother trying to transplant her lilies while keeping her two-year old out of the street? Where are the broken potato forks that were run over six seasons ago with the lawn mower? Speaking of lawnmowers, where is the rusting out one under the deck that the husband uses for spare parts for the other rusting out one that was given as a handout by someone who thought it might only last the summer more than seven years ago? Where are the chipmunks that dig up the tulip bulbs or the hooligans that use hyacinths as soccer practice? Where is the freeze/boil season of spring? But, let me get back to the real problem, where are the four children that won't let the attractive, well-dressed, happy couple choose their new bushes? (And who wears button downs and khakis to the home improvement store, anyway?)

All I'm sayin'


Sir Nottaguy-Imadad said...

How about "Where are the 70 year old MIL's that decide AFTER you have covered the room with dropcloths while intending to paint the walls, need to get "something" out of the room you are working in. I liked to never got the paint splattered footprints off the wood floors.

Mr. and Mrs. Nurse Boy said...

Maybe that couple is buying some invisible fencing for their kids. I think that is why they are so happy.

Tiffany said...

I So agree with you! They're just brain washing us so we'll buy their stuff and then it will sit in a cabinet or shed somewhere and waste away. That way they've made their buck and we've wasted ours! But the invisible fence possibility that Mrs. Nurse Boy stated could be a possibility too! :o)

Mr. and Mrs. Nurse Boy said...

Every time I run into the Depot during a project I pray HARD that I won't see anyone I know. I am almost always unshowered, greasy haired, paint stained, and (just maybe) not wearing the proper undergarments. Yes, white trash, if you will. I will NEVER be found on their commercials!!! NEVER!

Sorry, it is the very honest truth.

Oh, and I leave broke. Every. Single. Time. Even if I go in there for a duct tape.

This comment is from the Mrs. Only the Mr. would use invisible fencing on his precious children...

Boy Mom said...

What is up with those commercials? I go four times on project day dressed in stinky paint splattered sweats that should have been thrown away years ago. And where are the kids crashing those giant orange pallet carts into the duct tape display. I demand truth in advertising!

Mother Mayhem said...

BWAHAHA! I just tried to troll through the garden center at Lowes with Emily complaining behind me every step of the way.

"It's hot. Can't we look inside?"