Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Little Swimmers Potty Training Method

If you've been potty training and hoping that you won't have to buy swim diapers this summer, but you've about given up hope because the pool opens in three days... have I got the potty training method for you:

Buy the biggest pack of Little Swimmers you can. Go for it. Buy a case. Not just a package, go for the warehouse size.

On the way home from said warehouse, your little one will chime up from the back seat, "Poop!" come home and make a stinky deposit right in the potty.

Best $12.88 you'll spend all year.

Here's to gifting my case to someone else in need.

(disclaimer: no single method works for all children. Little Swimmers Method (LSM) not established in all homes. LSM may only be effective for single day training. Do not repeat case purchase on consecutive days as effective training one day does not necessarily indicate training the next. And yes, advocate of this method will still use LS until training is certain.)


Liz said...

haha!! I was just thinking today that I should get a small package of little swimmers for Z, or find a pair of cloth swimmers, if I can.

Chaos-Jamie said...

I used those cloth training pants that are attached to plastic overpants successfully with Eldest. The pool has gotten picky these eight years later. However I know that Target sells swimming suits with the washable swim pants attached. (Though our pool contends that those don't qualify. I suppose I should be happy that we don't swim with turds, but I'm annoyed anyway. It's a racket, I say.)

Anonymous said...

so I'm curious. Is he still potty trained? Big sis

Chaos-Jamie said...

He is! (shhhhh, I didn't just say that.)

Anonymous said...

I think it is a racket too! It seems like a lot of pools require the cloth ones??? Our pool say "leak proof"- what does that mean? We still have at least a year of swimming befor we can potty train...