Monday, November 07, 2011


It occurred to me yesterday that I'm living counter-culturally these days.

On Friday, I could not get off the couch. Charming and I watched three full length movies. I stood in the corner of the library and cried the ugly cry as my boys picked out even more movies. But by Sunday evening? Laughing, singing, dancing.

The difference? On Sunday night, the Ethiopian courts open.

I'm on to my moods now. Hopefully that can keep me in check. My heart is another matter. My phone rang at 9:30 last night and my heart was racing so hard that my hands were shaking. Again this morning at 8:05.

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Heb.11:1

Apparently, I have a great amount of faith that my phone will ring any day. Fridays signal a three day silence and are therefore something to be endured. Mondays begin five days of hope and therefore are something to celebrate.


And a bit nonsensical.

I'm still sad that my sister has moved, but it doesn't seem as earth shaking as it did on Friday. Now I can see the benefit of having a relative within driving range of many places I'd like to visit.

But you may want to ask me again on Friday. ;)

If there was a theme song for today, it would be titled, "The Woman Has LOST it."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I totally get this been there. You become a slave to your phone and computer with every ring or beep getting your heart racing and adrenaline excited for you!!