Thursday, April 19, 2012

What's Going On

My sister emailed me last night and asked, "How am I supposed to know what's going on if you don't update your blog? Are you excited? Or just overwhelmed?"


Frankly, you would not even believe the week we're having. For those people who've been to World's of Fun in Kansas City, picture the Mamba. And then picture it with only that really big arc, over and over. There's your clue.

For the rest of you.....rollercoaster. A big one. Which, incidentally, means the highs are really high. Unfortunately, the lows keep coming.

Let's just say.....taxes. Potential sale of a company. Picking up a new child. Dirty house. Traveling husband. Adolescent children. Fear of the unknown. Lost money. Credit card max outs. And God arriving on the scene at just the right time, because, of course, He was never gone in the first place. In addition to the camp physicals, 3rd grade programs, orthodontia appointments and random 30 mile trips to Wal-mart (I know, I'm not even going to talk about it right now.) that are my typical existence.

And on that note: new topic. Fresh Produce clothing.
I got an email a couple weeks ago asking me to review an item of my choice and the skeptic in me said, yeah right. I get asked to read books for my blog. No one offers me clothes. Except, lo and behold, my new favorite skirt showed up in the mail on Tuesday and it has been on my body ever since. And I'm not just saying that because someone offered me free clothes. It is seriously my new favorite item. It is not the color I expected. It is shorter than I expected. But it goes with everything. I'll tell you more about it in a new post, either tonight or tomorrow because they obviously want me to linky it up. But it was a decent segue into my real topic of the day.

Actually, no it isn't. I thought it was because my brain works like that these days, but you might not get the connection. Anyhoo....


I am dreading the flight. I'm dreading the black boogers. I'm dreading communicating with my non-English speaking child. I'm dreading going back without my friends. I'm dreading brushing my teeth with bottled water.

But let me tell you what I'm not dreading.

Wearing two skirts and one pair of shoes for a week. Not wearing make-up or doing my hair. Springing my kid out of there. Exorbitantly tipping the coffee man. Over paying the street vendor. Bringing shoes for my Ethiopian friends. I'm not dreading handing out 100 dresses to little girls who have never had a clothing choice in their lives and 75 shirts to little boys who have never owned anything without a hole.

I'm looking forward to practicing generosity and lowering my expectations.

Ethiopia wears off over time. Unimportant things seem important again. And I'm ready for my crash course in "we have it so good."

I'm going home.


Andrea said...

Well, now I'm crying. Big, sloppy, ugly tears. And laughing, big belly laughs. I am happy for you, I am sad for all that will be left behind. We have it so very good.

Anonymous said...

Your other sister has been thinking the same thing! Good job for Sister #1 telling you to update your post. Sister #2 has been checking it everyday and finally resolved to call you this morning. (Still going to call. :))

Senior Citizen said...

Senior Citizen coffee slopper is a a bit overwhelmed tooo.. would help if I could find where Mrs hid my coffee cup. Dug all over the garden planting tomatoes and peppers and the cup apparently is not in the garden. Just when I have roasted the best (ever) Eathopia coffee beans.