Monday, August 31, 2009

My Guilty Little Pleasure

I confess that I am enjoying guilty pleasure with the new torture devices that now reside in my basement.

(shaddup you dirty little minds)

Hubs and I are now the proud (or rather blushing with shame) owners of a Bowflex and a Bowflex treadclimber.

For as long as I have known my husband, he has wanted a Bowflex. And late at night when I happen across the infomercials, I have wanted a treadclimber. And Saturday, I happened across a garage sale where the guy offered me a deal I couldn't refuse on the pair of them.

Guilt because you KNOW you don't use exercise equipment, or most people don't after the third week of January. Pleasure because for the next three weeks I can delude myself into believing that this WILL make a difference in my fitness level this winter. And every time I descend the stairs (and I've done that muchly today as I did laundry loads innumberable) I see them and grin.

I feel so smart. It's the gatherer in me. Look what I found for you, dear!

As I type, my hunny is going through his workout and if HE feels better, it was worth it. And I promised myself that I wouldn't go through another winter without a treadmill so now I have no excuses.

So there you have my guilty little secret. Here's to wishful thinking.

I pray I'm not going to feel like an idiot in February when clothes are hanging off of it and I can't pay someone to take the eyesores away.


Sr. Citizen said...

As you know, there is a stationary bicycle residing in our basement. Deciding that it would be more useful if I tried it again this year, I climbed on and began peddle away. Arms flaying, feet flying and old oversize rear getting cut in half by the little narrow seat, I decided that it was more useful as a conversation piece. I could just walk 100 yards over to Wendy's for a 25 cent Sr. coffee - for my work out. Yeh, sanity rules again. Enjoy the Bow - whatever. Sr.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of stationary bicycles, there happens to be one residing in our basement that a certain couple gave to use say 10 years ago or something? I know you could never guess who that was :>) I can't remember the last time I used it, but believe it or not, our daughter does! I hope you keep it too!


S said...

Back when we had money, we had gym memberships(really, I'm not lying). I LOVED the tread climber!!! I have always said if we ever have the space and the money to purchase a piece of exercise equipment (aside from the treadmill we had purchased once and sold) it would definitely be that! I'll be excited to hear how you like it! And if you ever get to the point that you want to get rid of it, call me first.