Wednesday, January 23, 2008

From Kim Potter

I get the daily motivation from Kim Potter of A New Thing Ministries. Don't ask me how. One day it started showing up in my inbox. But it is wonderful. And today I'm going to share another excerpt because it sooooooo applies to my blog. Hope it does something for you also.

"I read a scripture the other day that I loved: it is Psalm 51:10 and it is the Message translation: God, make a fresh start in me, shape a Genesis week from the chaos of my life. Don't you love that! Make a fresh start in me - shape a Genesis week from the chaos of my life. What is this saying? It is saying, give me a fresh start, let me re-create my life, take this chaos and make it something wonderful. A Genesis week ~ that is the week that God created the entire world ~ and He did it with words. He didn't create the world with nothing ~ only with something you couldn't see. It is the same today, you don't recreate your world with nothing ~ only with something you can't see. The same thing He used in the beginning ~ words.
Believe what God's word says about you. Then, begin to speak what you want to see come to pass and say nothing else. If you would do that for a week, you would see drastic change take place. God would indeed be free to shape a Genesis week - a new world - from your life of chaos, through your words."

Chaos here: this brings another verse to my mind, Psalm 19:14, "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy site, oh Lord my strength and my redeemer!"

That is my theme for the day....hopefully for my life.


the lizness said...

I don't remember when, but I started praying one time and saying that scripture that I had memorized years ago, and just making it a prayer. I mean, when you say essentially, "Lord, let my words and thoughts please You" it's a big deal to please Him.

Melanie-Pearl said...

i really like the Potters' stuff. it's wonderful. thanks for reminding me.

ps)just remembered your bracelet. will get to work.