Thursday, February 21, 2008

I'm Willing to Admit I May Just Be Tired

I've had at least one sick kid every week since before Christmas. Sometimes I have two or three at a time. Like yesterday. Eldest woke with stomach cramps in the middle of one of the rare nights when Charming slept for more than two hours in a row. So I had him home from school drinking Lemon Lime cola and Frodo wanted some so he complained all day that he needed to throw up. I didn't have enough cola to go around so he didn't get any.

Turns out he wasn't lying.

I've had a sinus infection for two weeks. It has stayed in my left sinus cavities, but moved around. I had an excruciating sinus headache last weekend, but now I just have what feels like a major toothache.

Charming wakes nearly every time the heater kicks on. Considering we are in the middle of a cold snap, that is often. Even though I set my heater pretty cool. He also has quit napping more than about 30 minutes in the morning. And if he does decide to take a long nap in the afternoon, he will start it at 3:02 and I'll have to leave at 3:11 to pick the kids up from school (should any of them be healthy enough to go).

My house if filthy and well, I suppose I'm the one to make it better. With one arm and 22 pounds on my hip.

On top of that, my husband's paycheck as been as inconsistent as a poorly disciplined teenager...or rather that teenager's parents when she was three. On the upside of that, considering he works for himself and he does usually eventually get paid, I should be thankful. We have had years where he didn't get paid at all. (Which in some ways was easier because I KNEW I couldn't afford anything, so I didn't buy anything rather than buy and hope for the best.)

And I'm not saying all that so that I will get a poor baby. I'm saying all that because it occurred to me that maybe, just maybe, I feel so ugly about life right now because I'm just flat exhausted. So when all that ugliness comes out in posts, please give me a bit of grace and read weary into it.


Anonymous said...

the self employed income (funny word to describe it) mostly outgo to the government but don't even get me started on that. Hillary and Obama and McCain and Huckabee can fix that right?

I think you need a good dose of spring and maybe a new sexy pair of underwear...

Still a work in progress but loving every minute said...

"I've had a sinus infection for two weeks. It has stayed in my left sinus cavities, but moved around. I had an excruciating sinus headache last weekend, but now I just have what feels like a major toothache." Sorry to tell you that you still have that sinus infection, major toothache feeling is a sign of a sinus infection, or atleast that was the diagonis of my doctor the last 5 sinus infections I have had. I am sure you have figured it out, but since it seems like you are overwhelmed with illness lately you aren't getting that nap you really need. Not to totally bum you out.... if there was a cyberway for me to give you a hug or let you take a be it. God Bless and I will be praying for health for you and your family!