Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Shut. Up.
Tell Me
It isn't the washer that is loud, it is the water pipes that bang during the spin cycle.
And no, I can't get the washer any better balanced.
Why I save clothes from one baby to the next when I never like the same attributes as I did on the previous baby? I used gowns for my first two, the third? I hated them and put him in t-shirts to sleep. I specifically bought footed sleepers for Frodo. That is all I saved from Frodo to Charming. And, when I hit a sale while pregnant with Charming I grabbed up a few more footed sleepers and skipped the ones with no feet. Charming Will. Not. Sleep. if his feet are covered. I kid you not. And he's a mighty cranky fellow when he's awake unless his feet are bare. Not even socks. (He gets that from me.)
I am so over saving clothes from one kid to the next. All that Eldest wanted to wear when he was in 5s was jeans because he liked pockets (he stuffs them full of all kinds of junk). Frodo wants sweats. Even when he wears pants with pockets, he hands me stuff to carry. Whatever.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Boxing Shorts
"Mom!" He said. "New jammy pants!"
"Boxer shorts. But you can wear them for jammies if you want to."
::gasp:: "Now I can box with Daddy!"
He immediately stripped down to his skivvies and put them on. Wore them that way most of the day. As soon as Hubs came home, he began asking to box.
Never mind he wears boxers much of the time. These, my friend, are his boxing shorts.
Monday, October 29, 2007
What's Important
My writing.
I've been O/C today checking my email because I have a couple submissions out.
My Orphan's Ministry.
I've been O/C today checking my email because I am trying to set up a meeting with a local foster care representative and I was awaiting her answer.
Not having pants that are even a hair too short.
I tried on everything in my closet and got rid of all the pants I keep JUST IN CASE everything else is dirty. I did a similar thing with tops. If it fits in the chest, but not in the shoulders I won't wear it unless I have no other option. I am removing the option.
Small steps.
On the Loose
What is rather humorous about this is that my PE teacher, although not my favorite teacher in HS, wasn't particularly bad. That and PE/Health I shared with Hubs when I had a major crush on him so even the intolerable was quite enjoyable...
Anyway, though I'm reading something else this week, last week I read Jenny B. Jones On the Loose. Call it chick lit for teens. Teen chick-lit. There are so many levels to this book. The protag is this troubled teen in foster care and her issues in High School (exacerbated by her situation). It is one of the first Young Adult (teen) books that I've read in a while that didn't make me regret a million things about high school. If you have a teen girl, I highly recommend it. Katie makes mistakes, she has a mouth on her, but she is also genuinely trying to better herself, even if she is misguided.
If you don't have a teen girl, I still highly recommend it. Call it women's fiction in a young lit voice. She deals with breast cancer and fear. And she deals with the foster system. It makes me feel an urgency to get myself certified so that I can foster and make a difference. (Even though I know now is NOT the time.)
I can't wait to read the next episode in the Katie Parker Productions. Actually, I can't wait to read the first episode in the Katie Parker Productions (even if it isn't necessary to enjoy this one).
Hopefully, tonight Mr. Penner won't be laughing maniacally as he eats good food in front of us while making us eat some funky unhealthy chicken salad something just before we do a bajillion sit-ups to demonstrate that our eating habits are killing us. Seriously.
Yes, I know this came out of nowhere considering what I wrote yesterday. I don't want to think about my mental clutter this morning. I'm going to go through my closet and declutter and hopefully declutter my mind with it.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Where Am I Again?
After walking for, oh, a half hour I looked up to realize that not only do I not know where I am, I don't know where I'm going.
It only took a moment for me to figure both out, but it occurred to me that that is where I am in life. I don't know where I am, nor where I'm going. I have no idea who I am or what I am doing.
It is mighty hard to get anywhere or accomplish anything when you are in that state.
So, just to give you a heads up, I might not be chipper on my blog for a while. But I'm sick of faking my way through life. I'm going to pretend I don't know anyone who reads this and try to figure myself out.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Laughter, the Best Medicine
I know you can tell from my posts that I seem to be in a funk. I used to write funny things. Or things I found funny, at least. And I've become way too morbid lately. This evening at supper, Frodo did or said something that I thought, "there you go, now you have something funny to write," but I've totally forgotten what it was.
What I need is a good laugh. I want to laugh so hard that I cry. Maybe if I could have a good laugh and a good cry I'd quit with this mood I'm stuck in. Anyone see any good YouTube lately?
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
It's Huckabee or Hillary
By Janet Folger
This Act applies to [and invalidates] every Federal, State, and local statute, ordinance, regulation, administrative order, decision, policy, practice, or other action enacted, adopted, or implemented before, on, or after the date of enactment of this Act.
Distributed by www.ChristianWorldv
Just Desserts
And you don't consistently make them pick them up,
Because you just get tired of the fight,
So your house gets crowded with stuff,
That isn't in its proper place,
It should come as no surprise that,
When the baby wakes for the fourth time,
At 4:45 AM,
You could potentially heft him out of his bed,
Only to turn and step on a tack,
(and make mo more noise than a sharp gasp because everyone is sleeping)
Bleed all over the carpet,
And have to go get a tetanus shot.
Friday, October 19, 2007
I am overwhelmed by the clutter in my life. Not just the stuff, of which there is too much, but of the other stuff also. The stuff I do that I shouldn't be doing. The stuff that takes brain power. The coupons that are supposed to save me money. The foods that I want to use up just to get out of my pantry. (They are random things that I bought for recipes I wanted to try and never got around to and now I can't remember what they are.) The devotionals that fill up my inbox. The books that fill up my bookshelves that I can't seem to find the time to read. The babies that talk and talk and talk and seem to want me to listen (and I want to listen, I do, but I also need to make dinner). The spelling tests and the listening to the reading aloud and the school lunches. And sometimes I fool myself into believing that it would be easier to home school (ROFL). The crystals that I promised my kids we'd make and can't find the time to do so. The friends I should visit. And the seventy-three wake-ups a night from the boy whose only pacifier is me (heaven help me).
I once heard a sermon on "Do not become weary in doing good..." and he talked about the difference between weary and tired and I think I'm weary. I'm grateful, but I'm weary. Which is just one more thing to feel guilty about.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Lunch Ladies
There's a reason that lunch ladies are always portrayed as mean and old. If they aren't mean, the kids walk all over them and all that walking makes them old. I think I feel a wrinkle coming on.
I don't know what it is about me, but they think that when I'm present the rules do not apply. Today I told them, very sternly, that they did in fact apply. That lasted all of about two seconds until someone interrupted my very believable speech with yet another inane comment that did NOT fit into the conversation.
I'm sure that a full half of the problem is that most of these kids are either mine or offspring of my friends and I'm simply not a scary figure to them. They plead with me to not tell Mrs. C who is quite possibly the nicest person I've ever met, but do they care what I think? NO.
I have the policemen who want to tell me all the rules and how I'm not enforcing them correctly all while breaking a rule that I know to be in place. I have the food stealers who think that because it is a joke it shouldn't be punished. I have the slow eaters that I practically have to force feed so that the cleaners can clean up. I have the fast eaters that want to rush off to recess (which I'm supposed to supervise) before half the kids even have their food out. I have the kids who think that just because they are in line first they should be the first to use the microwave. Never mind that their food requires 7 minutes of cooking and the kid behind them needs 15 seconds. (I understand lines, but can we use a little reasoning? They are often the same kids that wonder why they have to sit there and wait for the others to finish, too.) Seriously. And I haven't even touched on recess. And since I have no desire to relive it, I won't.
If my hair isn't grey by the end of the year, I'll consider myself lucky. And when it comes time to volunteer next year, I'll keep my hand down, thank you. A lunch lady I am not.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
There Comes a Time
When Eldest was six months old, he figured out that his pacifier put him to sleep and he refused to take it anymore. I could have forced the issue, but I dropped it. Mostly that meant that he had to cry himself to sleep because he just wouldn't drop off in my arms.
Princess and Frodo were both thumb suckers and put themselves painlessly to sleep from week five or six. No tears. Spoiled mama.
Charming knows what puts him to sleep. It isn't a paci. He hates them. It isn't a thumb. He never understood what he should do with it unless it was an accident. It is nursing. And he isn't about to participate. He started this a few weeks ago, but I added the lamby and he was out like a light. Today he figured out that dangerous combo (after I bragged to my friends that I knew his weaknesses). No more. Nothin' doin'. No nurse for him, thanks.
He had to cry it tonight. When you are crying being held, on the floor, in the jumper, in the saucer, with mom, with dad, and in your bed, well, you might as well be in your bed.
Night, night baby. I'm sorry.
Monday, October 15, 2007
The Sweetest Thing
I tell you, they are truly, madly, deeply in love.
Man, what a legacy.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Still Not Doing Well
Too much to do. Too much to say. Too much anxiety.
My apologies.
I shall hopefully return when I get home from celebrating my grandparent's 70th(!) anniversary.
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Better Luck Next Time
But tonight I laughed until I cried. Which I haven't done in a while, so I thought I should share.
This afternoon we took the kids bowling. I don't know where they heard about bowling, but they've been nagging us to go bowling for several months and today, when no one was nagging, we went.
It was a hoot to see our squirts wield balls 1/7th of their body weight, and give up on the bowling approach and swing in order to go for the granny roll. But the ultimate in hilarity was seeing Frodo, who was too tired by the end to even granny roll the ball, haul off and give it the ole soccer kick.
People, I have never seen, nor do I ever expect to see again, a ball roll so slowly down the lane. It must have taken a full minute if not more for the ball to get down there. Funny enough, it was headed straight for the center pin. But it rolled so slowly that it triggered the lane cleaner thingie that swept down and smacked the ball (which was still moving so slowly, it hadn't gotten past the sweeper) just hard enough to roll it back up the lane to us.
Maybe you had to be there, but I tell you it was hilarious.
Yes, I won, with three strikes in a row. And then I came home and banked a dirty diaper off the wall and into the little trash can from across the room (maybe 12 feet?). I think I should be playing the lotto tonight.
Here's to a better week.
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
A Bit More Rational
I may have been over-reacting about the crumbs. And even if I'm not, there is only one opinion that matters. I'm sure He doesn't mind that I forsook the crumbs for the baby.
See, I was listening.
And for the rest of you, sometimes going to Bible study when you are all wrought up and angry doesn't make for the prettiest of pictures.
Oh, and VAIL, nothing quite that romantic, I'm afraid. No book contracts, no new baby. As far as I know.
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Or, "Oh, so NOW you're ready?"
My sleep last night was not peaceful. When I did sleep, which wasn't much, I dreamed solutions which weren't very solution-y. And I've felt this near rage (though I imagine it is just frustration with a side of sleep deprivation) boiling up this morning over things that are in the past and I cannot control. I know I can't control them. I know there is nothing that can be done about the past. Better yet, I know that this is probably "God's timing." So I'm trying to damper this brick of panic that keeps settling in my chest that NOW, when I'm low on sleep, time and energy, now I gt to do what God told me to do four, yes, four years ago. Now I get the green light.
Okay, I'm really not holy and I know that and you know that, but here's a thought that just came to me. Maybe God was waiting to that in my weakness He can be strong. That this won't be my doing but His. And that maybe, just maybe something extraordinary is about to happen.
I feel the knot in my chest unraveling, just a bit.