Monday, February 20, 2006

A Girl's Best Friend

I've had a surreal experience.

I sprinted out to the mailbox to get the mail before we left town and there was a bulky package for me. I didn't recognize the return address, but a hopeful thought flitted past my brain. I asked for it...Surely not...But maybe...What else could it be? I hefted the weight. It had to be! I tore it open. It was! Kristin Billerbeck's not yet released A Girl's Best Friend!

I heard it could happen, this receiving pre-released books from your favorite authors, but I didn't think it could happen to me. I feel so important in my own exclusive kind of way.

I carried it around with me everywhere I went this weekend. Well, for the 24 hours it took me to read it. People would ask what it was, and I would tell them. They'd ask why it was spiral bound and bulky and I would give them a knowing, aren't I important, look and say "It isn't out yet." They'd ask if it was good and I'd blow my bangs out of my eyes, give them a look of delight as if I had just tasted Godiva dark chocolate truffles and squeal, "It's fabulous!"

I'd read, burst out laughing, slam the book down and exclaim (mostly to my husband), "She is just so funny!"

Okay, so yeah, most of us can't relate to Morgan financially. Who has that much money? But who can't relate to bad shoes, lack of self-knowledge, or just flat out embarrassment at our poor choices? Her horror at powdered cappuccino had me spitting out my latte in gales of laughter.

Oh, and guess what? I actually own a pair of shoes that appear in this book. I've waited 30 years, but I own one pair of shoes with a brand worthy of appearing in chick-lit. And not the payless variety that has Morgan shuddering (Because that would comprise the other 37 pair in my closet). I even had them with me on my little trip. I took them out of the suitcase and caressed them a little, thinking, "I knew you were worth it babies." Don't tell Kristin, but I found them on the 80% off clearance rack at a store that already marks their shoes 30% off. Cole Haan for a whopping $25.

So how did I get the priviledge of reading this book? Am I a close personal friend of Kristin? Um, no. I met her a couple times. She did a paid critique for me last September, but I doubt she could pick me out of a line-up. She called me "talented." Yes, I'm still revelling in that. Leave me alone. I figure I can squeak another seven months of joy out of that one.

No, I am a new reviewer for and I asked for it. Who'dve thunk it would be that easy? Of course my serious review has to go there. They did get the book for me after all. And I'm not sure the readers want to hear about my shoe success. Oh, guess I better go write that, huh?

Now the only problem is that I have to wait even longer for Kristin's next one.

Oh, the agony. How can I wait that long?

Check out Kristin's books at

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


You don't have to write a serious review. Love what you wrote on the blog about the book, the shoes. That's what we love to see. The you in the book