Thursday, February 28, 2008


What I said: Eldest, would you make sure Charming isn't playing in the potty?

What I meant: Eldest, would you make sure Charming isn't playing in the potty, and while you are there would you check to make sure the toilet is flushed, and the lid is down. Grab Charming, bring him out of the bathroom and shut the door. Please. I'm in the other room folding laundry and you are standing at the door of the bathroom an arms length from the baby whom has recently become fascinated with yellow water.

What I got: "No, Mom, he isn't." Followed by that eerie silence that tells me the baby has dropped the block he was playing with and has become interested in something naughty.

What I found: Charming, up to his elbows in yellow water, swishing a tinkertoy eyeball and Eldest, eyeballs glued to the television, three feet away.

1 comment:

MotherT said...

And that is why big brothers do not make good babysitters! (I had one, I KNOW!!)